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euro 130.000
Property size icon Property size: 151mq
Property structure icon Structure: Bedrooms
Property accommodation icon Accommodation:
Property heating icon Heating: non esistente

Poggio Catino CC 234A Country house arab style in olive grove

Property ID: CC234A
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms:
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms:
Property size icon Property size: 151mq
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors: T
Property year built icon Year Built:
Property heating icon Heating: non esistente
Property accommodation icon Accommodation:
Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height: 3,15
Property parking icon Parking: da creare
Property distance from center icon From center: 4 km
Property publication date Publication date:
Property area size icon Area size: 23000mq
Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size: mq
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address: Via Palombara, 02040 Poggio Catino RI, Italia
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: IT

In the uncontaminated country side of the Municipality of Poggio Catino we offer for sale a rustic of Villa (A7) to be completed.

The property of 151 cadastral square meters boasts a particular circular design with an internal patio, recalling a flavor of arabic architecture. The house is located immersed in a more than two hectares of mainly olive groves and enjoys an excellent panoramic exposure to the south.

The masonry works are built while the installations and internal finishes are to be completed.

The property can be reached by comfortable asphalted road. On the land itself, access to the house remains to be designed according to the buyer’s preferences.

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